Education Loan

We Support Your Education Plans, Apply Now.
7.99% (8.29% APR)
Going to college/university? We get it—it's a significant financial cost. Whether you're going as a young adult, mature student, apprentice, our Education Loan has got you covered. Navigate through your educational expenses effortlessly with our special rate Education Loan.
Our benefits
Why a loan from Ashbourne Credit Union is better
No hidden costs or administration fees
If you pay off your loan early or lodge a lump sum we don’t impose an interest penalty on you
Free life cover on your loan (subject to term & conditions)
Fair and honest interest rates
Maximum Loan Term :
This calculator is for illustrative purposes only, to give you, the borrower, an overview of the potential cost of borrowing. The Credit Union, or any of its staff, cannot be held responsible for any errors. Please note that this calculator only provides an indicative quote and actual repayments may vary.
Loan Documentation required by the Member and Guarantor where applicable:
- Proof of earnings (payslips etc.)
- 3 months up to date bank statements
- Proof of full time education to avail of rate.
Please note that a guarantor will be required to supply the same documentation
To apply, please call into our office. Contact us by phone on 01-835117 or simply apply online!
Did you know we do two Bursaries each year to help students with their college fees?